What Are the Five Steps in Legal Research?
The first stage of legal research entails gathering primary sources, frequently the most authoritative sources on a given topic. Secondary sources, on the other hand, are not always reliable. However, whether or not they depend on the context and your knowledge of the subject. Therefore, you may need to consult several sources, beginning with a public resource such as an encyclopedia and progressing to more detailed sources. In Chapter 6, you will find a detailed description of the various types of secondary sources. Secondary sources are useful for providing quick overviews of a specific topic or area of law. Legal encyclopedias, treatises, and law magazines are excellent places to begin, particularly if you are unfamiliar with a subject. You can also consult legal encyclopedias and non-legal sources as a starting point. The primary sources will give you a general overview of the law, but you can always supplement with additional materials if necessary. You can begin looking for prim...